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How Long Does PHC Stay In System Last In Body Get Out High Last Urine Leave Drug Test 14 Days Blood

How Long Does PHC Stay In Your System

Hydrox4phc (PHC) is becoming easier and easier to find nowadays, but some people may want to be cautious before taking it, especially if they’re drug-tested.  We’re still learning a lot about Hydrox4phc, and one thing that’s uncertain is how the body metabolizes it, and what this can mean for a drug test result.  The matter […]

PHC Dosage Guide Chart List How Much To Take Effects Strength Benefits Legality Drug Test

PHC Dosage: How Much Should You Take?

Hydrox4phc (PHC) is a new addition to the cannabinoid market, and it belongs to the growing category of semi-synthesized psychoactive cannabinoids that are derived from the federally legal hemp plant.  What makes PHC unique is that it is an acetated form of delta 9 which metabolizes into 99% THC once it absorbs into the body, essentially acting […]

PHC Drug Test: Why You Will Fail

Binoid has now started carrying PHC products as one of their newest cannabinoids. So, it is worth wondering what effect these new products can have on a drug test. We know that many Binoid customers love psychoactive, federally legal cannabinoids like delta 8, THC-P, THC-O and now PHC (Hydrox4phc), still a good number of our customers also happen to be individuals […]

What Is PHC?

Hydrox4phc (PHC) looks to now be following in the footsteps of the recently released delta 9o, to act as another fantastic, effective and simple way to enjoy a potent delta 9 THC high legally.  So, how does PHC and PHC products such as vapes actually differ from delta 9o and regular Delta 9. Plus what […]