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How Long Does THC-M Stay In Your System

11-Nor-Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic Acid {Carboxy-THC} aka, THCM is entering the market as we speak, but some people may want to be cautious before taking it, if they’re drug-tested.  We’re still learning a lot about 11-Nor-Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic Acid, and one thing that’s uncertain is how the body metabolizes it, and what this can mean for a drug test result.  […]

THCM Dosage Guide Chart List How Much To Take Effects Strength Benefits Legality Drug Test

THC-M Dosage: How Much Should You Take?

11-Nor-Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic Acid {Carboxy-THC} aka, THCM is one of the most mysterious cannabis derivatives thus far, acting as a byproduct found in cannabis smoke.  It’s never been isolated, nor do we even know whether or not it’s psychoactive or potentially beneficial.  One thing that has been suggested repeatedly is that THC-M acts as a potentiator of other cannabinoids […]

THCM Drug Test: Why You Will Fail

THCM is coming to Binoid soon, but what actually is it, and how does it stand out from the other hemp derivatives that have taken the market by storm?  What’s unique about 11-Nor-Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic Acid {Carboxy-THC} is that it’s never been isolated in cannabis – only found in cannabis smoke.  We don’t know anything about its […]